Storage 77055 Policies

  • Payments are due on or before the first of the month.
  • Late payments (3) days past due will result in overlocking.
  • When rent is three (3) days late a $50.00 dollar fee will be added to the storage unit rent until the balance is paid in full.
  • We have several security cameras in place through out our facility. We don't make guarantees about security though. We recommend using a DISC type lock when locking your storage unit.
  • Storage 77055 is not responsible for personal injury or a damage caused by theft, vandalism, rodents, water, snow, fire, wind, or tornado damage
Contact Information
  • The tenant is required to notify landlord of any changes to address, phone numbers, and email information. 
End of Lease or Vacating
  • Tenant must give ten (10) days written notice before vacating the unit or the deposit will be forfeited. The storage unit must be vacated on or before the last day of the month for which rent has been paid and all terms and conditions of this agreement are met by the tenant. Any damages to the unit will be billed to you. 
  • Tenant must remove lock upon vacating of the unit. 
  • The storage unit must be left in broom clean condition, free of all storage items and debris, subject to only normal wear and tare, and ready for re-rent.